When the dreamy high school star quarterback crashes (literally) into her life, a precocious high school cheerleader's dream of escaping her small town and earning a coveted dance scholarship to C...
Jodie Comer (Killing Eve) makes her West End debut in the UK premiere of Suzie Miller’s award-winning play. Tessa is a young, brilliant barrister. She has worked her way up from working class origin...
10月2日星期五,美国东部/太平洋时间晚8点,将在卡通频道进行《星球大战:克隆人战争——赏金猎人的崛起》的首播,连续播出《Holocron Heist》和《Cargo of Doom》,在这不容错过的两集中,由冷酷无情的凯德·贝恩率领,赏金猎人和残忍的雇佣军抢尽了这部系列剧的风头。这是次特殊的,一小时长度的《克隆人战争》大事件!(译注:含广告时间) 贝恩在1震撼性的结尾初登场,此次复出将造成更...
世界上最遥远的距离,不是生与死,而是我站在你面前,你却不知道我爱你。A mute boy is trapped in his apartment with a sinister monster when he makes a wish to fulfill his heart's greatest desire....