Allie, Margot, Dina and Charlie continue their adventure on the lam, as they make their way through the Mexican rainforest and ultimately land in a seemingly idyllic community called Casa Rojas, led b...
勇者无惧,智者无忧,仁者无敌。A typical weekend down the shore takes a bizarre turn into the mysterious New Jersey Pine Barrens as six girls and five obnoxious fist-pumpers become the unsuspecting targets of a menta...
发明家福克斯(Harrison Ford 饰)出色的创造力令长子查理(River Phoenix 饰)深深崇拜,但愤世嫉俗的性格让他难容于人,有感美国社会堕落,福克斯携一家五口远赴蚊子海岸,在那里买下了河道边的荒凉村落杰瑞尼莫,要开辟出自己的乌托邦城市。福克斯一家与当地黑人合力,很快建造出了全新的村镇中心,他们有了水力驱动的洗衣机、灌溉系统,福克斯制作了庞大的制冷设备,将现代文明引入蛮荒,河上...